Objectives - An old knowledge for a new age
Ayurveda is a traditional medical system on the basis of holistic medicine and philosophy. Its scientific approach to the promotion of health, the prevention and treatment of diseases is unique. Ayurveda is used to increase the wellbeing of the individual and of society as a whole. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has accredited Ayurveda as a traditional medical system.
VEAT aims at the reasonable and firm establishment of Ayurveda as a holistic and complementary medical and therapeutic system in Germany and Europe.
VEAT is a professional organisation which supports Ayurveda practitioners in an enabling manner and which allows membership to all those who have an adequate education and experience in the field of Ayurveda.
VEAT stands up for the development and maintenance of a uniformly high quality standard in all of the special fields of Ayurveda (medicine, therapy, massage, health consultation and wellness) and the related vedic sciences.
VEAT encourages the development of a quality seal, which creates reliability and confidence in using the entire offer of ayurvedic health modalities and therapy methods.
VEAT networks medical professionals, therapists and wellness practitioners who would like to practise Ayurveda not only in a holistic way, but also as a complementary method of healing and therapy and/or to promote health or healthcare. In doing so mutual and multidisciplinary support is being promoted.
VEAT is an independent professional association as regards politics and religion. It unifies qualified European Ayurveda practitioners and supports them in all professional, economical and political concerns.
So the VEAT sees itself as a contact partner for all persons and institutions interested in Ayurveda.