Quality Criteria for Ayurveda Health Resorts

An Ayurveda treatment is a turning point in the lives of many people. The intensive cleaning and deep touch of body and mind can give insights that can appear life in a new light. The most important thing is to choose the right treatment in the right health resorts for their own constitution and life.

Ayurveda wellness spa or Panchakarma?
Due to Ayurveda boom and the related commercial interests, but also by non-authentic literature, there are some widespread misconceptions about Ayurveda treatments. So many people think an Ayurvedic treatment especially oil treatments and massages are for relaxation and spa - but you have to make a distinction between the Ayurveda wellness treatment and intensive detoxification (panchakarma).

The Panchakarma therapy is an extremely effective, but also strenuous form of therapy that is used primarily to treat even more serious illnesses. A Panchakarma treatment is not comparable to a relaxing holiday and not recommend for patients who are already very weak because of their disease. The following points should be fulfilled at a Panchakarma treatment:

  • the cure should take place under medical supervision
  • the cure was to take place in a clinical setting
  • the cure should be at least include 14 to 21 days (the shorter the cure the more exhausting for the organism). A classical Panchakarma treatment claims 3 to 12 weeks, depending on the symptoms.
  • the course of treatment and the individual constitution appropriate diets
  • Information on the pre- and post-treatment
  • Information about the cleansing therapies applied in the cure

Ayurvedic spa resorts set other priorities than the health resorts where you can do Panchakarma. The focus is on the physical and emotional well-being of the patient. All oil treatments, massage and diet rules serve the balancing of the individual constitution. Not treating a disease, but the holistic man with all his needs is in the foreground. Especially in health care services with Western-trained Ayurvedic therapists treatments are also aligned to compensate for psychological stress and personal problems. Known as therapeutic holidays is for example the Rasayana Cure ("Rasayana" comes from Sanskrit and means "rejuvenation").


The right place
The question of whether Ayurveda is to be experienced in your own home or in its country of origin, always leads to discussions. But there is in no clear answer - a decision of one or the other depends on many factors, but also always on your personal needs.

Ayurveda treatments in India or Sri Lanka are only useful if you bring enough time. In a two-week Ayurvedic cure in Sri Lanka the jetlag, the climate and possibly also culture shock can cause more damage than the ayurvedic treatments can be reversed. Any language barrier can also complicate significantly the understanding with your doctor.

Basically, an Ayurveda treatment in our own culture and climate circle is more recommendable because it supports the treatment process. Western therapists have learned to respond to the needs of the western clients. Members of VEAT have complete training to get practical and theoretical knowledge in their field.

On the other hand Ayurvedic treatments are often cheaper in the country of origin and give unforgettable impressions of culture, people and nature of India. However, a Panchakarma treatment in an Indian hospital is only recommended for experienced Ayurveda and India Connoisseur. The supervision and the hygiene standard of those traditional resorts often do not meet with our imagination.

Important note: The quality standards for ayurvedic products are unfortunately still insufficient in India. To avoid any possible waste load, a critical attitude is important. It is not recommend to buy products from inexperienced purchases in India.

Meanwhile there are now clinics that are run by western doctors and therapists in India and Sri Lanka - but there will also correspond to the prices tend to European conditions.


Inpatient or outpatient?
In the West many Ayurvedic physicians offer outpatient Panchakarma treatments. The patient lives at home and comes daily for his treatments and consultations to the Ayurvedic doctor’s office. However, this is only recommended for people who can comply all health regulations at home and not be stressed out by family or job performance.

Once ayurvedic treatments are used to cure diseases, out-patient treatment are only conditionally recommended. Because the daily or at least every two days applications are very intense in their effect. Sometimes the treaments can trigger physical as well as mental processes but for their healing and regeneration it needs sufficient space and tranquility, which is actually guaranteed only in an inpatient treatment. A stationary cure also serves the emotional retreat of the patient to him oder herself. Everyday issues were to be eliminated if possible. The influences of the environment may even be harmful, because our organism is highly sensitized during the treatment period and need sufficient protection.